Sunday, September 26, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ It is not Fate ~ Welcome September a month of growth

Welcome to a month of Growth

When things go wrong and yes they will, they do and they have just know to carry on.  Own it and push forward, don't you blame that is too easy, life is not meant to be easy.  Live with the set back and prepare your comeback, your immediate plans get you there.

Fate, acts of unknown twists and turns are not to blame.  Don't blame the higher power he created our free will.  Don't blame the spirits of the night they do not and should not call your shots in life.

Those who inspire you embrace them, you know who they are.  The poems and quotes, the speeches and song embrace them all.  Those who doubt you and seem to endlessly put you down or hold you back.  Release them, immediately not from your life, but from the critic you used to hold close that impacted your dreams and plans and results.  Fire them from your path let them loose from any ownership they think they have.  You are a free spirit and a free soul created from the best and now all that follows belongs to you.  Don't rest if you're in design, don't fret if you fall get back up.  Rise up and start a new plan, new steps that become a master plan.

Be kind, love more deeply and care more from each standing start.

This is your mission don't let it fall apart

Expect the Best it is yours to flow too.  Expect the Best each day is a test !

It belongs to you !

Your Journey and your steps

Own them and make them your best

Grow with affirmations and with persistence to become more

Remember the climb

The surge no matter how slow or even the you rose from

The climb matters

The journey reminds

The destination will be achieved


Utilize your  I AM affirmations your growth will continue


Accept the challenge and allow your spirit to soar

Smiles Sent 


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Stay Strong!

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever 
and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09    /     26       /   2021

  96 days to go ~ Pages of your life of this chapter to write!

Happy September to you All  


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