Thursday, September 10, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Yet More Guidance

To help you define your mission 
statement you will need to define you, your values, your principles upon which you stand.

Your values are a foundation for your life, your character, your day to day standards.  Values can change over time just like a foundation to a home.  But they should be the bedrock of your structure, dreams, goals and output.

The vision can and will change over time.  The progress or lack there of can help define your vision and mission statement.  With success a vision and mission statement can change to a new structure and set of goals.

Give credit to Dilbert here he sends a clear message that we can accept a mission statement with little or no thought.  Truth be told many companies fall into this trap.  The true beauty of a mission statement that is individualistic the organization has one true CEO, you.

You are your CEO, CFO and COO all wrapped into one mind and spirit.

Just be sure to act like it your board is always watching.

Great quote by Bruce Lee.

Always look around and learn something from the environment to the global condition to the local events.   But you don't need to confirm to that you should be a trail blazer and extend your vision with your values and principles.  Define you and express yourself.

Rise up and Grow your boundaries truly are not what you think they are.

They are truly limitless.

Look at the successful nature and drive who have far less than you.

Those who have no arms, who shoot a bow and arrow.

Those who have no legs of their own yet run.

Those who have no vision from their eyes but have vision from their other senses.

Rise up and Grow

Believe in Yourself


Rise up and Grow


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   10    /   2020

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