Friday, September 11, 2020

Mission Statement ~ Reflection and Remembering

To reflect and remember 09/11/2001, the lives lost, the changes in society, the stunned public perception the thousands of tears and prayers lifted.

Life is Short and There is no Time Hate

Time the only resource we can't slow down, conserve, hold back or stop.

Hate, such a negative emotion, and train of thought that we should avoid at all costs

To remember the fallen, the first responders and the 
thousands of souls that still hurt each and every day.  

This day lets us pause and remember and love and heal this nation. 

Simple Acts of Kindness

To smile

To hold open a door

To give a sincere thank you

To be grateful for a service given

To thank a first responder for all they do

To love 

To be genuine 

To be Sincere and Direct

To Believe that Love will overcome Hate


Rise up 

Even if it is just you Rise up, be better, love and smile and be grateful

Today and Everyday

Share this

Share kindness

Share love always


Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

09   /   11   /   2020

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