Friday, April 17, 2020

No Matter The Weather Appreciate Each Other

Self care is the biggest focus we all must focus on.

Time seems to stand still during this time of trouble.  We are people of ability and capability, we stand strong and united when times our tough.  However it is hard to isolate and shelter in place when the times demand.

Self talk and self evaluation of basic care and appreciation are so important but many times we focus on others more than ourselves.  So give yourself the time to care for yourself.

This could very well be the how:

Gratitude is the very best attitude to carry each morning.  

One simple prayer in the morning and evening.  Thank you for another day to awaken and fall asleep.

Being a better you will always give a better chance to give to others

To our children
To our relationships
To our community
To our work places and every person we come in contact with.

The most important way to give and help others is to become the best to ourselves.

Make that self talk positive in its flow.
Make that self care more of a process of growth not status quo.

Life is short we all will one day pass on to another venue.

Today is the day to start.  Be the difference for yourself and others.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


1 comment:

  1. Amen to that Vic. These things are so important. Even if we thought we knew them it's nice to remember to do them. Thanks for the reminder.
