Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday Motivation and Respecting Others Opinions

We are all part of the human race.  We work, we play and we dream and we all try to move forward.  I know some are thin, some fat, some are conservative and some liberal but yet we all want to live and love in some fashion.

So why do some have trouble allowing another person to have a different opinion.  Their opinion is there's alone.  So why not just  trust that love and happiness will find a way for all, no matter what.

Allow the world to be full of love, wisdom and understanding

live with happiness and just give respect to others

It could mean everything to them

Love and spread good energy

show respect and just allow another opinion to manifest 
in the end that manifestation only effects you if you allow it

Understanding this sheds a whole lot of in insight on opinions 

So stand back, listen, give respect and smile 

As this smile is shared with you : )

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