Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quote of the day ~ Video of the Day ~ Scripture of the Day ~ Using Hope to dissipate your shadows : ) 01/12/12

Hope is like the sun,
which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow
of our burden behind us.

: o ) Samuel Smiles

How we love the sun, it warms us, it keeps the water in the ocean warm, it gives us light and seems always to brighten our day.
How we love the sun and so many during these winter months suffer from a type of depression because of the lack of sunlight.
They even sell and offer sun lamps to give us the warmth and light that we seem to lack during these winter months.
The natural sunlight and these sun lamps can indeed cast the shadow of any burden we may feel heavy from.
So in reality walking towards that sunlight is very much like the hope that all of us carry as we play the many roles in life.
The role of a parent.
The role of a son or daughter.
The role of a sibling amongst our brothers and sisters.
The role of an employee to our employer and our customers.
So many roles that we need to step up and disallow any negative burdens or shadows that may try and follow us along life's journey.
So how do you cast the burdens behind you.
Stand tall with the hope and faith of your spirit.
Stand tall with the spoken gratitude that you speak each day and carry with you each morning and night.
Stand tall and know that your never alone.  You have so much to offer. You have so much to contribute.  We only need to stand and walk towards these gifts that we all possess and leave the shadows to the darkness that we walk away from.
Walk on
Stand Tall
Dream Big
Love Always
Smile Forever
Smiles to you as always :) This day and everyday
Video of the Day
Scripture of the day :
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Proverbs 29 : 18 (KJV)

Make ME Smile Online
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We care ~ We share ~ We entertain ~ We educate about the simple sincere power of the smile.  Enjoy : )

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