Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sizzling Saturday *New* June 18, 2011

Ahhh yes, welcome to the weekend, a day to make memories, spend with family and another day for me to work..... LOL, Oh well life goes on and so must I ...

So of course this is a new post topic, today starting to share with you every Saturday the power of Sizzling.

Each week I will share with you a new way to look at how we act, interact and hope to get you thinking about whether you are a slow burning ember or a flame that sizzles. Maybe a little bit of both.

We think of the word sizzle in many ways of course.  A meal that sizzles is one that you can see and hear coming.  It makes others look on at envy and say I want that.

We also can think of the sizzling steak or burger on our grill with grill marks to perfection and the sound of sweet music to the stomach, you can almost hear it now.  I do hope you take the time to listen to your next steak or burger on the grill. It has a special sizzle all to its own.

Some of us may think of selling the sizzle.  Even if your not in sales you are always selling an idea or fact or plan to your children, significant other and using that sizzle to get them to see your way. Life is not always about pouding a fact home, sometimes you have to sell it. Goes down a bit easier for the one who is on the receiving end.

Today though we are going to talk about using words that sizzle.  I looked up the word sizzling and found in Wiktionary and found as an adjective the third definition as:

Exciting and intensely emotional

So lets think about this.  What are some exciting or intensely emotional words that we can use not just for others in conversation but with ourselves each day looking in that reflective mirror.

Which words has more sizzle?

Pretty or breath taking

Good or phenomenal

Happy or exhilarated

Loved or cherished

When we use words with extra special care we get extra special results.

Among my most prized possessions are
words that I have never spoken.
--Orson Rega Card

By swallowing evil words unsaid,
no one has ever harmed his stomach.
--Winston Churchill

Think about them before you utter words to yourself or another.

Take time to taste and savor your next word instead of just spitting them out.

Ponder and reflect on the power of what your about to deliver with that tongue and expression, will it empower or cast a bad reflection?

A quote I will leave you with this Sizzling Saturday.

Some words to think on and maybe save them for some day.

The quote from Blaise Pascal.

Kind words do not cost much.
They never blister the tongue or lips.
They make other people good-natured.
They also produce their own image on men's souls,
and a beautiful image it is.

Find a rose or any flower, and see how it spreads beauty and with that flower imagine the petals are words, each petal it shines and nourishes our senses.  Its delicate nature gives so much to our soul. So should our words, they should be delicate in nature, beautiful in spirit and enhance any room with their placement.

Have a superb day, filled with love, and energy that lifts you high.


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