Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Motivational Moment *New* 06/13/11

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to a new week! The second Monday of the month and a fresh day with many new chances to make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
This week can be a start of something great for you so welcome to that opportunity.  May you make the most of it. But for now lets focus on today.

Some changes in the format of the posts this week in our daily format.

The first change was the Monday Motivational Moment which you already have seen.  Here is the breakdown of the rest of the week and how it will flow.

Take Charge Tuesday
Walking Through Wednesday
Thoughtful Thursday
Fun Filled Friday
Sizzling Saturday
Staying in Focus on Sunday

Each day will have a theme that you will hopefully enjoy and these will run into the first day of September 2011.  Then we might grow through some changes again.

Change is good, keeps things fresh.  Keeps the mind active and thinking about the next moment. Not all change is good but that is the way life is.  We are entitled to nothing in this world and yes fate does play its hand from time to time.  But it is how we respond to those changes that makes all the difference.

A happy focused and grateful heart is always bound to come out ahead of something less.

Speaking of gratitude, I hope you enjoyed the past 6 days.  I enjoyed placing it out there for you and I just hope you let it make a difference no just for your life, because I do feel if you have the mind to read these type of posts you already have gratitude in your heart.

No those posts were written for you to be inspired to pass it on, pay it forward, teach another from your light that you shine each day.  It is meant for you to help them go through that little change for the betterment.  Each little word or smile or deed can have that little impact over time. They will have that a-ha moment and one more life will have breathed easier because you have lived.

So as you go into this day, take time to understand that you can be a change agent, a smile advocate, a warm and sunny day awaits you even if it is cold and cloudy.

Enjoy the day and I leave you with a little David Bowie which I thought fit nicely into this post. 

Enjoy ! : )


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