So what are you plans this weekend? What memories are you planning to make? What difference will be made because you have lived and shared some joy and some smiles and a few kind gestures or words? Its in your control the ability to spread happiness and generate positive memories for you and those you care about. So have not planned anything? Well let me give you a few quick suggestions.
Suggestion # 1 A fun night of board games followed up with a bonfire some marshmallows and some smore treats you got a party.
Suggestion # 2 A big bowl of popcorn with extra butter please, a movie or two to make you laugh or make you cry or make you jump out of your skin. Nothing but you and a night of movies and laughter. Follow this up with night of looking at the stars and moon and sharing a quiet night with those you care about sharing memories.
Suggestion # 3 Road Trip ~ do you know now much fun can be found within 90 miles from home. Try this get a map and go out 90 miles to the north, south, east and west and what do you find? Think about how close nature is to you, a state park, a beach, a lake or river. Jump in the car with a lunch basket or snacks and some pop or soda and drive, turn the radio up and enjoy the 90 minutes or so and find adventure and fun its out there you just need to make it happen.
So I have done all three of these, my parents used to do the third all the time on Sunday. In fact dad never told us where we were going we just got in the big Ford LTD and drove many times to a beach or lake and enjoyed the day together.
Me and the family will do number 1 this Saturday night, we love the bon fire night and sharing laughter and love along the way.
Tonight well it just may be movie night we shall see, don't want to give away the plans yet.
Take care, enjoy your day, your weekend and sharing the memories you made along the way.
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