Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday Theory ~06/02/2011

Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to a new day full of energy and full of promise.  You just need to grab hold of both and accept that your in control of your thoughts which become things and your actions which become results.  Sure there is random acts that befall us but in the end its how we react to those things which either propel us to new heights or drag us down to a much lower level.  We can choose how we react to anything

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
~Wayne Dyer

So today I think the inner soul and minds eye needs to have a close and intimate conversation with ourselves.  This weekend a great time to start and close on the results you have been getting.
The results in life, with your daily journey.
----->>> Has it been adventurous or a grind that you wish could stop at times?
The results in your career.
----->>> Does it fulfill you and make you want to wrap your arms and mind around it or does it make you feel empty or full of stress?
The results of your relationships.
----->>> Do they create love and harmony in your spirit or do they remove the strings so that no harmony can flow and only dread and monotone?
The results are of course the outcomes of your actions and your actions are the outcomes of your energy that is put forth from your thoughts.
Thoughts become things and our thoughts are from the conversations that we have from within. Our self talk and the energy that flows from it.
So how do we have that intimate conversation.  I am a firm believer that each morning or evening we should get in a place of quiet.   A place for 20 or 30 minutes we can be alone, plan and reflect and ask better questions that will give better answers.
A time to engage with our thoughts as if we looked down from above to critique the results that we place before the world.  Focus on the actions not the results.  Focus on your thoughts that became the propellant for his actions.
If and I know its a big 'if' we can do this daily -- taking 20 minutes of 'me' time, we can then become more effective in the how and why we do what we do which gives us the results that we get and the reactions we send out.
Action event for you today and this weekend:
Find that 20 minutes of 'me' time, quiet time.
Ask yourself better questions and
you will find  better answers.
Meditate on your thoughts that you always send
out into your world.
Find the time and look for a better way to make a difference.
First with yourself and then with your circle of influence.


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