Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday Theory ~05/12/2011

Happy Thursday everyone, the merry month of May is here, the birds are singing, the grass is growing, the flowers they are a blooming just a few things to be grateful for today and everyday. May just on the edge of summer, vacations, trips to the beach, working in the garden and bonfires at night.

A quote for the day:

We can always choose to perceive things differently.

You can focus on what's wrong in your life,

or you can focus on what's right.

~Marianne Williamson

Focus on those things that are not only right in your life, but what can indeed inspire if we only take the time to enjoy.  The quote about smelling the roses and taking the time is a start but even the rose has its thorn.  However the beauty of the rose is in the many dimensions that it brings, sight, nectar for the bee and a smell for anyone who takes the time to sense it.

Focus not on your past regrets, for we can find those with ease.

Focus on the present beauty that can be found in just about anything. Take the time to sense the beauty that lies before all of us.

A poem on that beauty:

Nature's Wonders

© Kayla R. Elewitz

As the spring winds blow through my hair,

They bend down and kiss my skin so fair,

The water ripples beneath my toes,

And of this place no one knows,

This home inside my soul is none other than my heart,

This delight no one can measure on any chart,

The smell of rain fresh in the air,

Tickles my senses without a care,

All the plants are turning green and the trees are touching the sky,

I fell like I am lifting up like I can fly,

Nothing can bring me down from this heaven I have found,

Because, from the world, it has kept me safe and sound......

All of the senses alive and well in the world that we occupy, take the time to use them, and enjoy what the world has to offer every day and every moment.

The politics of life we only need to vote yes!


My Thursday  Theory

Enjoy your day and may it be a day filled

with smiles and magic and love!

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Thursday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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