A very happy Saturday to you all : ) So how was your Friday the 13th? Uneventful? Did you worry about the days outcome or no I am sure by now you know that you dictate the day and your emotional attitude towards its outcome. Congrats if thats how you look at each and every day. It really is that simple. Your thoughts and actions dictate your results.

I arise in the morning torn between
a desire to
improve the world
and a desire to enjoy the world.
This makes it hard to plan the day.
~Elwyn Brooks White
What a thought for the day, to arise to just to wake up but with the expectation that your improving the world and at the same time the strong desire to enjoy the world.
The American Soldier must have that feeling when he awakens each morning or the First Responder who wears that official uniform to patrol our neighborhoods to protect and to serve.
How quickly we pass them all, just taking for granted that they are doing their job. Even though the protect us, serve us in time of need we pass by them as we would our coffee maker at home, percolating and keeping our coffee warm.
Maybe next time we should thank them and at the very least acknowledge their efforts each day. Sure they will go about their job regardless but would it not be appreciated if we took the time to give them thanks. Something to think about today and everyday.
My daughter Tori, turns 17 on Sunday. 17 trips around the sun, seasons passed and her senior year lies ahead. An awesome daughter, full of love, concern and regard for her school, her friends and life. A day early -- Happy Birthday Tori !! Smiles to you and love sent your way always!! If you get the chance drop her a birthday wish tomorrow or today which ever works best.
Life flies by us does it not, sometime we don't even take the time to reflect just how good it is! : )
It really is not just about you and me
But a bigger picture that will pass by every day
Your greater purpose awaits not just for you
But for someone who you just may
touch in a special way!
May you project these ideas into your day, week, month.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
: )
Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....make a dream come true.
Where membership is always free
so are the smiles!
Make ME Smile Online
The ME is really all about YOU!
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