A very happy Sunday to you! Two weeks away and Easter will be here, the Sunday Prayer to give thanks that Jesus rose again, that our sins are forgiven, that hope and promise can be found with faith and belief in the words found in the Holy Bible.
We then commiserate with family, succulent ham, potatoes, and other various traditional fare.
If you get the chance add what you include in your Easter dinner, it will be fun to here your traditions.
Just comment below.
Easter two weeks away and counting down.
A friend from work, more than a co-worker since I enjoy his thoughts and theories and consider him a friend asked me to write about the conspiracy theorist and cynic and can they truly share a smile and spread joy since they believe that their joy is truth you would have to think so, right.
A deep topic for a Sunday morning but Sunday prayers and Sunday Thoughts are the title of this post.
Can a cynic or theorist of conspiracy spread smiles, joy and hope in a manner that empowers. Every time I think on this my need for another coffee materializes.
So lets look at the world cynicism here is what I found:
Synonyms: pessimism, sarcasm, suspicion, disparagement, skepticism, distrust, doubt, scorn, contempt
Antonym: naiveté
Looking at the definition:
source: thefreedictionary.com
Lets look at some quotes maybe that will help:
Cynicism is the only form in which base souls approach honesty.
~Friedrich Nietzsche
“Cynicism is intellectual treason.”
~Norman Cousins
“It's hard to argue against cynics - they always
sound smarter than optimists because
they have so much evidence on their side”
~ Molly Ivins
Now I don't want to sound like a cynic basher because I am not, remember my friend at work has made me think a little more on what he talks about that seems so 'impossible or doubtful' so I want to make sure you understand that my thought today is can a person that thinks that way on a ongoing basis truly spread joy and hope with others.
That is the question and idea so my answer or thought? Hold on lets talk about the conspiracy theorist.
One who believes in, follows, or advances a conspiracy theory
source: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/conspiracy_theorist
Conspiracy Theory as defined by Merriam-Webster Online
a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators
My basic writing instinct tells me to get to the point after all this defining so here goes.
I think we all can have opinions and views and still spread joy not contempt. I think it starts from our spirit and love of life. We believe what we believe and it is very true and real to us.
The boy that cried wolf in the classic children story got the towns attention until the realized that it was not true. Then of course when it was true they didn't believe or come running. A pity for the boy but good news for the wolf. I guess you could say.
A cynic cries wolf everyday and the long list of facts and evidence seems very real and even believable.
Does the main stream media control the content and agenda that flows from the news ...... yep! A vote for the cynic
Does the show of collusion rise again and again in history to pass along an agenda by that larger group ...... yep! Another vote for the cynic.
So the true idea that a cynic has a role in bringing other ideas to light is important well sounds like it has a role and thats why I enjoy debating these things with Jamie.
But can the role of a cynic become a spoiler? Ah yes for better or worse a cynic by nature goes against the thoughts of others and could hinder the speed of a project or agenda. But history has shown that is not always bad, perhaps prudent to slow down the angry mob as it wants to rush to judgement.
A smile and living a life of joy has no real impact on what someone believes unless that person tries to hinder anthers joy or happiness.
Happiness should not be rained upon.
Slaughtered at the gate of release, it should always be appreciated and nurtured so perhaps another can have some joy and happiness in their life.
Cynical thoughts? No
A prayer that we all take time to plant joyful seeds in our spirit and heart and that we take time to listen to the theorist that says hold on, don't fall for that, listen to their story cause they do have one to share.
A theorist can take that theory or conspiracy to a fact and when they do they don't relish in victory, they go on to the next light bulb and chain to pull. The light the want it to shine and often it does.
Make your dreams come true, live life with the smile coming from the heart, the love showing in your actions and life will flow as it was intended.
Steady, and with purpose!
That is my Sunday prayer for you.
Don't forget something new on Monday the Monday Minute. Looking forward to sharing it with you. Smiles sent your way!
Just a Sunday Thought and a Sunday Prayer for you.
Live your life, make a difference!
God Bless you and Till next time......Smile!!! : )
Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish
Happy Sunday everyone
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