Happy Saturday everyone! The last weekend in March. It has always been said over the years that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb so lets hope this last and final six days meet the lamb like status. April showers bring May flowers is the next line in the poem of the seasons. I think we want April flowers don't we?
In Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote on success he writes:
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or
a redeemed social condition;
He defines here that our goal in success of life should be to strive to leave the world around us better, to improve it, to make it better in some way. He goes on to write that success is raising or helping to raise a healthy child, not just health in body but health in mind and spirit.
Planting or maintaining a garden patch, one could even say a garden patch as in our home, natural resources like our parks and forests not just a simple flower garden but everything that we pass through. Road side litter, abandoned lots are all patches that we pass on by.
A redeemed social condition. Social as in how other people interact with each other, our families, our neighbors, our fellow man. It is not just kind to give at local charities with a monetary value he suggests here perhaps but to give of our nature, our spirit, our essence of human.
We all can help in leaving the world around us better. We all have the ability to share our experience with a young mind, oh sure it may not effect them right away but they listen and more importantly they watch our actions.
We all can leave the world around us better by maintaining and improving upon our gardens in the space around us, picking up after our selves and cleaning up when a mess has been made.
We all have the power to create a better social condition with a smile, sincere and genuine, a kind word of encouragement placed often in some manner to lighten a persons load.
We all can and should and must looking into those windows of our own soul, the eyes and understand that we can indeed make a difference in another persons life. It is in us by nature and spirit.
I hope you take the time to reflect and project your nature and spirit to leave the world a bit better each day, every day.
It really is not just about you and me
But a bigger picture that we pass by every day
Your greater purpose awaits not just you
But somone who you just may touch in a special way!
May you project these ideas into your day, week, month.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Till next time......Smile!!! : )
Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish
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