Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Mojo Mantra ~03/14/11

A very happy Monday to you all! Spring weather later in the week, will it sustain that is the question. It is very cold here today high around 45deg but later in the week we climb in to the low 60's.

Yeah for us! Warmer weather always makes you smile does it now? Something about that spring wind that makes you want to fly a kite or watch the trees rustle in the wind. Now if you ever get to throw in the sound of the surf and walk through the sand on the beach now your really talking smiles!

Your heart has to be broken for the people of Japan. The video on CNN is almost to much to watch. You really can take only so much before you have to turn the station. But then reality hits and you know how much harder it is for those who live it on the ground and not from the comfort of a living room. Very strong images that reminds us all that 'there, for the grace of God, go I'.

That is our Monday MOJO Mantra:

'There, but for the grace of God, go I'

The phrase is attributed to John Bradford, you can click on his

name for some background info, back in the mid 16th century he is known for uttering these words and he died as a martyr and was known for his faith and belief in God. Imprisoned in 1953 and burned at the stake in 1955 he remained faithful to God and his teachings even while standing and burning at his execution on a trival charge.

Now much can be learned by his life. His faith for one, his dedication to God and his education that he placed himself within.

A well educated man who understood that we have an obligation to ourselves and to God to do our best and impower our mind to do more.

Life as I stated in yesterday's post is worth living.

Life is worth loving and laughter and joy should take first priority.

Yes and in John Bradfords life and in the life of Japan today bad things will happen to good people. That is free will, and nature at work.

Many more earthquakes and tragedy will befall this world and 'there but for the grace of God go I/us'

Thats my Monday MOJO Mantra!

Enjoy your week and say a prayer for those hurting and if you can give to the cause of those in Japan please do!

Play Hard, Stay Foolish and Stay Hungry!

Smiles sent your way today and everyday!

Happy Monday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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