Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Gratitude Attitude *New* ~02/01/11

A very happy Tuesday and a very happy February 1st to you all!

Stay safe and stay happy.

Keep you Gratitude Attitude at a high level as the first good news today is: (drumroll please)

Only 47 days till spring! Yeah!!!!! The countdown Time for your enjoyment

I believe, ok I hope that mother nature has showed the snow and ice worst of the year here in January. I know I know wishful thinking right? But we are getting spared from the Blizzard of the year thus far, Chicago and MI and the plains states are expecting close to 2' in some areas.

Janice's son Blake, is getting 8 inches to 10 inches today. Snow boarding, snow ball fights, and snow tubing are their choice for activities today.

Tori my daughter has school a two hour delay was in place but with temps in the 32 degree range the ice should be treatable.

No two hour delay for me or Janice so I guess I will be on my way to work.

As you know today is the day that I have set aside to share my belief that attitude is everything, the gratitude attitude can and will make a difference in just about anyone's life we just need to embrace it and believe that it will make a difference.

We get bombarded with bad news, on the TV, radio, the Internet.

Stories about drug runners, Mexican drug lords, heinous murders, crimes of hate and war that rages all over the world. Bad news on the door step hard to take one more step at times.

But, we don't need to let that be our focus, we need to and should want to focus on making a difference in our own life. A laser like focus on what is good in the world, even if it is just our world.

So what are you grateful for today? (comments or emails welcome) see below.

Me, thats easy.

My children, my wife, my ability to wake up in the morning with joy and passion for life.

My job, my close friends, your comments here and the emails I get. The ability to write with passion and to share my idea's about the power of a sincere smile.

These are just a few of what makes my gratitude attitude stand in place.

Why is the easy part, the tough part to ask ourselves is why not every day.

The gratitude attitude can and will make a difference in our lives we just need to embrace it.

Cherish it, love and share it.

No drama, no pain, no anger and no shame

Just love and caring and sharing of that smile

So go on run with it run with it a country mile

Just enjoy your day and plan it that way.


Happy Tuesday everyone!

May you start to develop that Gratitude Attitude

May you always stay Hungry

May you always stay Foolish


May you never struggle to live with love

It is inside of you right now that thing called love

Share it, care for it and always be grateful for it


Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.



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