Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Wish on Wednesday ~ 12/08/10

Happy Wednesday to you all! May your day be filled with love, joy and smiles shared that warm your soul and replenish your spirit.

~Eskimo proverb

Another star is in heaven this day and may the way she lived her life be a true testimony and a well lit path for our journey.

Elizabeth Edwards, passed away quietly and surrounded by loved ones yesterday. She showed courage and grace and mended fences along the way. Style with substance and class with gentle kindness.

What we have here at Gather is much like the title of her book.

We share and we care and find solace and strength from friends and strangers. I love the title because in real world practice that is exactly what Make ME Smile Online is all about. Allowing perfect strangers to find a smile and some laughter along life's journey on the web.

Our journey through life, sharing a sincere smile is much like that as well. The power of making a difference each and every day.

Sharing a smile, a kind word, a gentle touch a warm presence that lets another soul know that we indeed care.

Take time today to enlighten a dark corner of someone's world. Make that difference, it may just be the light that helps another climb into a whole new world of joy and love.

That is my Wednesday Wish! Smiles sent your way! : )

Have a great Wednesday!

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

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