Happy Monday everyone, welcome to a new week! My wish for all of you is for a great holiday season filled with joy and love, and that you have already started to think about the new year, goals, dreams and aspirations.
The new year is like a fresh start, however for many the new years resolutions soon fade away unless you have enough reason to flow towards the new goal or vision that you have aligned for yourself.
That is my message today the title:
Knowing your Why and Getting to the How
Everyday we awaken and by now you understand the power of gratitude in ones life when we store it deep in our heart and mind.
It helps us understand that what we have right now is more than enough and when we focus on our gratitude we look at what is working in our life and what is not.
That of course is not to say that we don't have more aspirations, or maybe some things that seem to linger whether it be bad habits, or bad decisions that we may need or want to go away. But how do we help these aspirations to come to us and how do we allow those bad habits to dwindle and diminish from our life?
First you need to know the Why and of course have a strong enough why to get you there. You have of course heard of the Pain vs. Pleasure principle and I don't have to go into it too much in detail I'm sure but it is true you have to know your why and have enough pain or pleasure to go towards to to go away from those things that you want to rid yourself of.
Pleasure of course is not at all the stronger of the two, we do many of things that give us pleasure and we rank many out of order than we should. Those who love to eat anything in over abundance or do behaviors that in the long run hurt us do those for pleasure as well.
But run from pain, you bet we do. We always seem to sense that pain is not the place we want to belong in. We want to run and keep away from those things that hurt much more than avoid pleasure.
So the why and the how are equally important, but with an understanding that the pain of not completion of a goal will cause eventual pain is one sure way of understanding why we do or don't do want we think we want.
A quote about all of this:
“Nature has placed mankind under the government
of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure
- they govern us in all we do, in all we say,
in all we think: every effort we can make to throw off our subjection,
will serve but to demonstrate and confirm”
Jeremy Bentham quotes ( Philosopher and Activist. 1748-1832)
A quick video on planning your day by Jack Canfield
A Monday Minute Video if you will.
Enjoy your Monday
Enjoy your Week ~ Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish
Smiles sent your way today and everyday!
Happy Monday everyone! : )
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