Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection 11/20/2010

Happy Saturday everyone, a new day with a new beginning that you, yes you get to write.

It is your script, your recipe for life, love and happiness. Write your script well, don't be afraid to scratch out this line or that line. Rework the script, write it the way you would have it and by all means your life may need to be improvised. Thats what life is all about sometimes.

My reflection for today, just some thoughts not a post from the past mind you but some thoughts from my last two posts. Thursday's post on acceptance and Friday's post on tolerance.

Both posts refer to these two words in the meaning of accepting others and tolerating differences. I wrote in regards to sharing the smile and a kind word no matter what.

My reflections of today take another shot at these two words and in brief another angle.

Sometimes we accept and tolerate our life as it is, not as we want it to be. Hours and days go by with disdain and heart ache instead of passion and excitement.

On a very personal note, my parents both lived in agony and abuse. My dad even though I love him very much was very abusive, both physical and mental to my mom. I lived through that and anguished, and hurt and felt very helpless to do anything.

They invited me thru birth to come live with them and accept them as my parents but to tell you the truth it was pure hell. They did of course teach me a valuable lesson on how not to be abusive in that manner to any of my relationships but the lesson I found in my early years of relationships was that I had trouble communicating and expressing my version of love.

It happens, it may be happening to someone close in your life. But over the years I have learned how to communicate, sure I still struggle, but I like to think that I like to make a difference in peoples lives, those close to me and those far away. I like, no I love to laugh and show some quick wit and cause others to laugh or at the very least giggle and at the very least ponder what I just said in jest.

Laughter is the best way to overcome a hurting heart, or any anguish present.

Laughter can heal a sickness, or regenerate a body as well as a mind.

So today, in reflection I ask you to look at your acceptance and tolerance of your life at this moment. How is it? Are you building bridges to the future, or are you digging a ditch in desperation?

Don't dig to deep, the hole you may be digging is always to harder to climb out. Build the bridge to joy, to love, to happiness and share those smiles and laughs with those you love and those who love you.

Just some Saturday Reflections!

Till next time......Smile!!! : )

Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish

Happy Saturday everyone

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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