Thursday, October 28, 2010

One Can Make A Difference Part 5 of 6 10/28/201

Happy Thursday everyone! Ok (sigh), my birthday is over, I am 48 years old. But a great day had, my wonderful daughter, and wonderful wife got to share it with me. Got some awesome gifts and lots and lots of love from them and from my son, Troy down in Texas! A great day, a great meal and a wonderful ice cream cake! Yummy!

The 5th part of the 'One Can Make A Difference' series. Here are the links to the first four parts. I hope if you missed one you click on the one you missed.

Today we dig a little deeper on Making A Difference and doing it right in our own back yard, America.

First a quote to share here:

"The REAL American Dream is not about a garage full of new cars, winning the lottery, or retiring to a life of ease in Florida. It’s about doing work that has meaning, work that makes a difference, and doing that work with people you care about."

~Joe Tye

We give so much across the pond, we fight wars, we fix broken lands from hurricanes, tsunami's, floods, earth quakes and yet we still have Americans living in FEMA Trailers from Katrina days.

WHY? HOW? We should care and tie up those loose ends.

We see images of hunger in third world countries but yet the face of America is being strained

Why? How? We should feed and care for those right around the block.

A video to watch and really think hard about:

Want to make a difference and fight American Poverty

Click on these resources, Trusted and True

Every day we watch our families enjoy every day life in our homes, safe, secure and loved. Yet kids at school feel the pain of a bullying. We need to wake up, listen to our kids, watch them, talk to them and teach them tolerance not hate.

Make a Difference not just in your home but in your church, your neighborhood watch and listen for the signs.

A video and a message to listen to and understand more:

Want to learn more and make a difference. Click on to learn more.

We make the difference, today and everyday here in America.

Keep the focus on our own backyard so we can make leaders and strong minded adults for the future.

Only when we become strong as a nation can we lead by example for the world. Don't leave one child behind. Don't leave one family to hunger. Lets focus on our country so we can be strong for the rest of the world.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Thursday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

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