Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to another great day in your life! Thats one way of looking at it another way is how most look at it, just another boring day or they look at it with utter contempt. Why set your self up for any less than the best?
Thursday Theory:
Perception is everything, the only thing and really
the one thing that really matters
Or is it?
Perception the way we view things, perceive reality but what is reality if perceptions can be viewed only by the individual mind.
Even a digital recording can alter someones perception of an event
Watch this video and what is your perception?
Perception of the average teen female:
How do I alter my look, weight make up to look like that?
Perception of the average teen male:
How and where can I find a girl that looks like that?
And we wonder why their are so many problems in our society as how we view beauty and treat beauty.
Its not even reality and again my question is what is real.
How many times do we perceive something going on in our life. We get so wrapped up in how can I make this better or why me or what did I do wrong and on and on the negative self defeating questions go. Why?
A quote on perception and life:
Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon;
suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens.
Events may create physical pain, but they do not
in themselves create suffering. Resistance creates suffering.
Stress happens when your mind resists what is...
The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds.
~ Dan Millman
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
When the stream flows it flows and does it will as it pleases we can place an obstacle in from of that stream and it will flow around it, with little interruption.
If we allowed life to flow as it was designed to do what could our result be?
If we allowed others to have their views and opinions with no anguish and anger then how little self destructive behavior could we avoid?
Perception is one view and the view of the one that perceives that event.
What about our perception of our own designed events?
Just a theory or thought here, do we always trust our own perceived thoughts and views and if we do are we self limiting our lives and our directions.
What if our perceptions are wrong?
How limiting the thought. Should we not at times question our anger, our hurt and our pain? My thoughts, are yes we should.
We should look at our realities from a third and sometime fourth point of view. Look at what our surroundings and what God and nature has in design for us.
God created man in his own image, not just image as in view but image as in perfection.
We were created to be happy, to have enough, to have joy and to serve each other.
Try this for the next say 3 days, take time to reflect and meditate on our perceptions and views of ourselves. Not others but just what we can control ourselves. Try to look at who we really are in that moment from a different view and angle. Don't listen to status quo or outside forces that try to design our perceptions.
What others think about us or say about us is really none of our business, remember?
So if that is true for us should it really be true for them as well, if only......
Smiles sent to you all this Thursday!
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