Happy Tuesday to you all and welcome to another day to give thanks and the ability to take in and reflect upon what we can indeed feel grateful for in our lives.
Just a few things that I am grateful for today:
My friends here at Gather, who take the time to comment, read and reflect on the post's of others and really take it in and share their feelings of appreciation. For those who take the time to visit me, I say thank you!
My family, the step through that door of my home and that threshold into love is a very welcome feeling each day and for that I feel much gratitude and peace from within.
My appreciation for nature, the sound of the birds singing about, the fresh smell of morning dew and the rising and setting of the sun and moon. The brilliance of the stars above that can just entrance the soul to want to know more of God's creations. For this how can not everyone be appreciative.
These of course are basic but if you can build upon this list for your own life then you do understand the concept of gratitude and the feeling that one can get from within when we live that each day.
I only highlight it on Tuesday's but in fact I try to stretch my gratitude muscles and realize that each day alive is a day to be filled with gratitude.
Today, this morning I researched like I do every morning and found a cynical article online about how some may have a hard time feeling gratitude and that's ok. Maybe they can feel appreciation and that is very much the same thing. Maybe they don't believe in God and in that author's post he could understand how feeling gratitude may be impossible or improbable for them. My thoughts about it, well for the record right here in black in white:
How could all of this wonder and natural splendor not be created by a much higher power than we can wrap our 10% use mind around.
Why would you not want to feel gratitude and have that deep inner feeling of self love, self admiration and appreciation for things that our right out side of our selves. Life is meant to be lived with love not hate, wonder not doubt, and laughter not tears. When we can understand that gratitude is more than just a noun it is a verb and a very powerful verb at that.
To deny the use of gratitude in one's life is like saying that a rose has not texture or smell that can bring the senses other than sight alive.
Gratitude is a key to enhancement of ones life and if you are cynical then I ask you this, how much gratitude do you have when you can see children at play.
How much gratitude do you have when you place your feet into motion and walk to your next destination. How much gratitude do you have when the morning dew has fed your garden and the moisture just clings to the flowers and leaves.
How much gratitude?
For me, I have tested gratitude, I live with it each morning and I am grateful that I get it. I thank God each day that I get it.
I pass this thought on to you and with all of my gratefulness and joy I wish you a day filled with LOVE, JOY, and Smiles!
Smiles to all! : )
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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