Happy Friday everyone and I hope you take time to share a smile, and know it's power can have not only on the person who receives it but you the giver. A simple but sincere direct smile. May they flow from you and towards you this Friday.
I know that at times we all get wrapped up in our lives, our duties, or responsibilities but once we understand that our state of mind, our frame of mind is so important to the way we carry out those duties and responsibilities.
It is everything! The simple smile can not only make a difference in another's life but it can make a difference in your own.
As we continue on with the ABC's of the Smile please take time to review yesterday's post.
The letter G - Gratifying
To give pleasure, to satisfy another. When we take that time to realize that a smile, a kind word is much more than just an action it is state changing and perhaps for that moment alters direction for both the giver and the receiver. A kind word can cascade on down the line. Often we hear the term that 'Sh** rolls down hill and that bad news travels fast' but what about derailing both of these with a kind word or a smile? Does the gratification make the difference in how we look at life, you bet it does we just have to experience it.
H - Hope
We often look back at the election of our nation's president and know that one word that rings out is that Hope was such a very important factor in his election and victory. The word hope is brought about for many reasons, one reason is the very fear that we have that things can not get any worse, or that the way things are we hope they get better. How often we should just ask better questions, realize that we make the difference in the outcome of our life and our actions, can trickle down, trickle up and move out just by the simple momentum that our actions send out.
I - Insightful
A smile, simple and direct can change the way someone feels and looks at things. When we run across money on the street we often have the time to pick it up. Depending on the amount we may even look around and try to find the owner. But often the insight that we have is it is found and collected by us. When we come across that soul, or spirit that needs listed do we have the same insight? Do we take the time to reach out even if it is just a kind word of encouragement that insight can be a flow of energy that person just may need at that very moment. Priceless for them and even more priceless for you.
J - Joyful
To have a joyful attitude, to have a joyful heart is not just a dream or a want it is a must. We often dream of having joy through out our day. Do not dream it just start to live it.
Because gratification of a desire leads to the temporary stilling of the mind and the experience of the peaceful, joyful self, it's no wonder that we get hooked on thinking that happiness comes from the satisfaction of desires.
This is the meaning of the old adage,
''Joy is not in things, it is in us.''
Smiles to all! : )
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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