Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday Theory 07/08/2010

Happy Thursday everyone and a thought and the knowledge for all of you that today can be the very best day for all of you.

May the wind be in your favor and the sun shine upon you

May the stars and moon guide you into the night

May your whole day inspire another person that lights a torch so bright

That out of the darkness another soul does follow

your inspiration, your thoughts for a brighter tomorrow



Thoughts become Things

"All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."

~ Buddha

"Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind,

you will hold it in your hand."

— Bob Proctor (You Were Born Rich)


A theory for some I'm sure, thoughts become things.  But for others its very real.  If what we eat we become through diet, then what we think about and focus on we become through the reality of our thoughts. Thoughts do indeed become our reality.

If you focus on love, and think about love, it comes to you.  Just as if you focus on hate and dwell upon it leads you to more hate.  Thoughts become things.

A friend of mine and also a Gather member has a great number of resources on the Universal Law of Attraction. Otha Alexander has written on and shared a number of resources that will take you even deeper into this subject.  His web site and resources can be found at Take the time to visit and understand some of the reasons why what and how we focus on our thoughts we help to direct our destinations.

The video that follows speaks upon some of this theory I shared with you today.  I hope you take some time to watch it and come back to it again.



Enjoy your Thursday!

Make this day the best possible day with powerful thoughts of accomplishment.

Thoughts of Love and the desire to make a difference.

Thoughts of sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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