Welcome to Friday everyone and the heatwave here in Pittsburgh has broken. The weekend is almost here. The last day for most peoples work week has arrived.
Yes there are many that have to work on the weekends, me included but many look at this day as well TGIF (Thanks God its Friday).
We should thank God its any and everyday of course but we are working on that with Gratitude and Appreciation.
So what are your plans this weekend? Are you going to be pool side? Play a round of 18 at the local golf course. Maybe its the flower or veggie garden that you have your moments of relaxation.
What ever it is take the time to recharge your batteries, enjoy that time with you and your family. Show yourself and others how much you appreciate them and what they mean to you not just with words but with your time spent with them.
"The most important work you and I will ever do
will be within the walls of our own homes."
~Harold B. Lee
The time you put in with your family, your children and loved ones will etch into their hearts and minds. The memories you make with them will be cherished far beyond the extra work you put into the office. Take time to include them in your fun. Take time to share a laugh and a smile. Show them and tell them how much they truly mean to your happiness.
The movie showed most often at Christmas time with Jimmy Stewart called 'Its A Wonderful Life' exemplifies how truly we can make a difference in someones life just because we have lived.
How we touch others during our daily walk, and the time we spend sharing ourselves. If you have never watched this movie please take the time to do so.
It truly is a wonderful life when you have loved ones in your life to share it with.
This I know from my own experience at present. A wonderful woman by my side, two great kids to grow with as well. It does not get any better than that.
Whats your story? What do you share every day with the loved ones in your life.
Take time this weekend to flow into Friday with the gentle breeze of reflection and the steady stream of love. Its all yours just grab on and make a difference with it and ride the wave to the weekend and beyond!
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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