Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 06/14/10

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to a new week. New challenges, new opportunities and a fresh start at reaching your goals and wishes. Smiles across the miles sent your way!

This week I wanted to stay with the theme of Focus. Last week it was the knowledge that what we think about become in our reality. Thoughts do become things and what we speak is sent out into the world and comes back to us in energy.

The word focus is defined as:

directed attention :Emphasis (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

What do you direct your attention on each morning? For many on Monday in particular they loathe the day, almost hate to even step out of bed. Why? Sure the weekend with family in friends is a very special time, lots of laughs and shared moments to cherish.

But why don't we look at every day as special. Focus on the possibilities not what can go wrong or the hard work ahead.

Each and every step we take is a journey into countless possibilities.

Each and every detail we design or should be able to design after all it is our journey that we step into each day.

Don't dwell on what went wrong.

Instead, focus on what to do next.

Spend your energies on moving forward

toward finding the answer.

~Dennis Waitley

So many moments in our lives are focused on the problem or what can go wrong, even when things may be going right. The key is to ask a better question and focus on the solution or a series of solutions. In life many times there is more than one solution or way to accomplish your direct goals. Ask what can I do to make my Monday more enhanced and pleasing? Don't focus on what could go wrong even before the day starts.

My focus is to forget the pain of life.

Forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce it. And laugh.

~Jim Carrey

Focus on what is healthy in your life, we will always have some pains and challenges but to focus on that pain and challenge with dread and hate is only to magnify and give it more power over you.

So today and everyday if you can focus on what is good in your life, your day. Yes, even a Monday morning!

Today make a promise that when a problem or challenge arises you ask a better question to find a solution and not just dwell on the things that could go wrong.

Often times we fight fires and keep trying to put them out after they are raging and hot. Why not try to find out where the fire is coming from. The fire might be contained before it even starts.

Here is a idea, today start the day with some (ME TIME) spend some time outside or listen to the quiet of a morning. Take a moment to give thanks for what your about to accomplish today.

Spend some time with those you love at breakfast and let them know how much they mean to you. Step out into this day with a bounce in your step and send out your smiles like a pebble into a lake and watch the ripple effect after you do.

Have a great week and.....

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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