Friday, June 4, 2010

Flowing into Friday ~06/04/10

Good morning everyone and welcome to Friday just on the edge of the weekend. Music to ears of many I am sure, everyone, well almost everyone loves Friday's.

Today is National Doughnut Day click here for details.

Another good reason for Friday? Like we needed more huh.

So as we flow into Friday what fun things do you have planned? What trips will be made? Who will you tell and express how much they mean to you? Every weekend you should fine a few fun things to do and every weekend tell someone how much you love them.

Yesterday I had the chance to see the recent Shrek 4, incase you have not seen the trailer:

Worth watching it tells a story of being happy for what you have now, and not to wish for what you don't have, you just may get more than you bargained for. Thats all I can say, well worth the 95 minutes. Both me and my daughter both laughed.

So how do we live a life of more than just satisfied, how do we maintain a high state of joy, smiles and laughter.

We just do. We choose every morning how we will awake. What brings us joy and smiles, we decide. No one lives our life for us. We smile and we laugh.

We control just about every thought that enters our mind. Sure there are many things that ease on in from commercials to advertisers to comments we overhear but really we have the power to give relevance or irrelevance to those comments.

Start your morning every morning with that first thought that today is going to be a great day! Today, this day, your day is going to be special. Open up the door and smell the magic about to unfold. The birds singing, the air full of possibility. Your possibility.

I love the sweet smell of dawn - our unique daily opportunity to smell time, to smell opportunity - each morning being, a new beginning.

~Terri Guillemets

Make this day, and everyday your best day.

Make this day, and everyday a day to smile. To laugh, to think, to say to someone that, they are loved.

Make a difference today. Share, love and live.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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