Friday, May 14, 2010

Flowing into Friday ~05/14/10

Yeah it's here, Friday, the weekend and a closure to the week just past. Friday to some that word is like music like the best song every played. To some yes they still work and it is just another day.

For me, everyday is Friday but this Friday is special the day before my daughters birthday, have a little surprise for her tonight and will share that with you on Saturday.

So please take time to share this weekend with your family and friends. Friday's and weekends are meant to share.

A quote about the Friday:

Make each day of the week like Friday and your life will take on new enthusiasm.

Byron Pulsifer

So how about this weekend you take some notes about the special things you did. Write them down on the journal entry or in your gratitude journal and make some special notes.

Note # 1 What was good about this weekend?

Note # 2 Who did I spend it with?

Note # 3 What difference did I make in helping it be special?

Note # 4 Could have this been done on another day?

Any day can be like a Friday. An extra smile shared, a phone call out of the blue. The words I love you shared for no reason at all. Just because it was true.

How will this weekend be written by you?

What can you take from it and make everyday a weekend for someone.

It really is that simple.

Find a cause, share the dream,

have a plan and make it happen.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone else a bit happier.


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