Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 04/25/10

Happy Sunday everyone, hope your weekend has been very special, hope your spending time with loved ones, shareing smiles with anyone and making a difference for everyone.

Today is the last Sunday in April and the April showers are sure to bring some May flowers as the old saying goes. May should be much warmer, more opportunity to plant your garden and to plant smiles on the faces of those who see that garden.

Many of us will plant our flowers close to the front of our house so that others can see the beauty in what grows out of our efforts.

We want to brighten up the world for ourselves with that effort and maybe even share it with others as they walk on by.

What do we plant with our words and deeds?

Plant kindness and gather love

~author unknown


“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.”

~Napoleon Hill

So many times we speak first and think about it later. Sometimes our words can hurt others and sadly sometimes with little intention they hurt us even more. We can prevent this by planting seeds in our mind with greater planning and care. Put simply the mind is a garden that harvests what we allow to grow.

What are you growing in your mind?

The very nature of humanity is to make mistakes, we have free will after all and we will fail often in our life, not on purpose mind you but it happens. The fact of the matter is we should be able to learn from those mistakes, try to be less harsh on ourselves and more forgiving and proactive so as not to make that mistake again.

When you plant, you prepare the soil, you add nutrients as needed, and place the seed within, cover with care, water accordingly and watch as the seed takes root and grows. We remove the weeds that like to choke off its existence so that it can grow and bloom and add beauty to our world.

The mind is the same. We prepare our soul, sleep, eat properly get our needed rest.

We pray and mediate to add the nutrients. Place positive thoughts and kind words within and add healthy doses of gratitude to firmly cover those seeds of thought.

We should repeat the step above often so as to watch what the mind offers from those efforts and gently remove any weeds of doubt, hurt, anger, and regret so they don't choke off its existence so that our thoughts and actions from those thoughts can bloom, and blossom to add beauty to the world.

Our world and the world of others.

We are the creators of our results. The seeds that we plant in our mind can either grow more weeds for ourselves which in turn allows our mind to become over run with, or they can produce magic for the lives of others who enjoy the results of care.

The effort we place in the early stages of planting will effect the results our friends, our family and our loved ones can enjoy.

The world, our world needs to take better care in planting seeds of anger, hate, bitterness and allow more of the fruits of joy, love, empathy and compassion to come forth from their efforts.

So take the time this Sunday to prepare your garden for planting not just the planting of the ground and soil out and about your home, but the garden of your mind.

Take great care to sow your thoughts accordingly because we all will reap in the results that you sow.

Till next time.......Smile and take

great care with week ahead.

www make me smile online dot com

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