Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Wish on Wednesday ~ 12/23/09

Happy Wednesday everyone! Only two days left to Christmas, the holiday shopping just started for some last minute buyers. I can only imagine how many homes are filled with the smell of fresh baked holiday cookies with the background of holiday music. Enjoy these days and embrace and cherish the memories let them linger with you the whole year.

I felt led to step away from the Wit on Wednesday and wanted to share some wishes for this Christmas season. You can pick one or a few that you want to hold close to your heart this season and year. They are in no particular order but I do hope you let your mind flow with them.

We can make a difference we just need to ask how. Ask better questions of yourself and you will get better solutions.

There is some hurt in our neighborhoods today, not even speaking of the world hear lets just go past that to a smaller sample, past the country, past the states, past the cities just our own circle of influence you can see the homeless, the lonely, the sick, the worried. How do we fix this? How can we make a difference?

We can share our resources and time, a few dollars to the Salvation Army, to the food bank, yes my wish is that we ask better questions and look for better solutions. The coats that don't fit anymore, or we don't wear can you spare some room in that closet?

My wish is that we acknowledge that we can make a difference and that we look for more ways to do just that.

The resources we have the knowledge and power in this world can indeed be astounding and amazing. A wish that we would develop a program to teach children from the age of five acceptance and compassion for each other, for those different from themselves and teach them each day, in some fashion what empathy really means not with words but actions.

I read an article in the Washington Post from October 8, 2009 written by a Valerie Strauss and she wrote a nice piece where it looks for answers in the education system. The article goes on to explain a project/experiment where a they took some 7th graders who were behind in school and at risk to getting on the road to dropping out. They gave them a job to tutor first-graders. And in their words here:

“An unbelievable thing happened,” she said. “The entire group went through high school.”

How did it happen? The students sharpened their own reading skills in order to teach the first-graders, and in the process developed enough self-confidence to realize that they could be successful at school.

My wish is that we all step back and take a close look how teaching compassion and acceptance with empathy can make a difference.

My other wishes this holiday season are the normal ones peace on earth, families reunited, the hatred put out by the firm handshake of love.

Wishes like a cure for cancer, heart disease and a wish that any child would not have to suffer from any crippling sickness. That a child where ever they are can go to school with out being bullied and that no child would go hungry.

My wish for you that you celebrate this season and look around you for ways to share that smile, enhance the gift of laughter, make a memory that will last forever.

Change a life, make a river out what can I do today and not that's to big for me.

Indeed we are a nation, a community of smart intelligent people. What can you and me do today to make a difference.

As Michael Jackson so eloquently put it Make that change..... I leave you today with that video and may it inspire you in some way. Enjoy.....

Have a great day....

Till next time.... Smile and Make that difference!

www make me smile online dot com

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