Happy Sunday everyone! 5 days to go till Christmas! Hope your weekend as been a great one thus far! I hope your holiday plans are coming together.
I also hope you get to enjoy the snow in some way. The east coast especially more east got snowed upon in a big way. Two feet in some area's. Snow balls and snow angels should be planned along with shoveling.
Enjoy the moment!
So not to many plans here, my daughter has her Choral concert today. She is excited about it as I am.
We also are planning are Christmas dinner today as on Wednesday Tori, my daughter will be flying to Texas to be with her Mom and brother over the Christmas. I will miss her but I know she will enjoy her stay with her Mom.
I am a big believer in the power of prayer, gratitude in the heart and a smile on your face.
All 3 have very important and special powers in ones life. Another important part is to focus and expect good things to happen to you. Focus and expectations.
Think of it this way when your walking to the kitchen to get something to eat. You do a few things don't you. You walk in a certain direction, you focus on where the food is and you have a certain expectation that when you open up the pantry or fridge it will be there.
Ever do to the fridge or freezer and have the expectation to have that special leftover or ice cream and find that your favorite son or daughter or spouse already finished it? What does that do to your focus?
Such is life, so goes the focus and the expectation in any matter you can either alter your focus and plans, for example go to the store and get more ice cream or alter your expectation and decide on something else. But is it not better to do that than to dwell in disappointment? Yes, life is too short and whatever your focus is on go into that focus with the flexibility and attitude that you can make the best out of any and I mean any situation.
Enjoy your Sunday....enjoy your attitude of gratitude!
Till next time....smile!!!
www make me smile online dot com
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