Thursday, December 3, 2009

Giving Thanks on Thursday ~ December 03, 2009

Happy Thursday everyone how is that leftover turkey holding out?

I still have a little here, stir fry, turkey salad, all kind of great dishes almost over for another year. What is your Christmas main dish? Ours is the ham, potato casserole, and lots of holiday cookies.

So did you take a little time for your prayers and gratitude thoughts this morning?

You can not control what others do, but you can control how you perceive it, how you allow it into your life. We control our views, we control our passion for life.

Passion for me is sharing this message each and every morning. Many times, stop all the time I allow my fingers to run freely over the keyboard as my thoughts flow into words on the screen. I don't know many times where I am going with a post but often when I am done I wonder how it came about, was and is this really me. How did I come up with that?

I can't explain it but I do know it is a passion of mine. It is a prayer of mine to share with another how simple gratitude each day, to start the day out with will make a difference.

How a smile, a simple and free act can change the perspective of not only ourselves but another, and another and yet another.

The movie Pay it forward was a great example how one simple act passed forward to help another can make a hug difference. A great message is it not?

So today in my prayers I asked God to allow me to be the way I was designed to be, a child of God with no limitations but the limitations that I put upon myself. I also thank God for giving me another day to share with my family and friends. For health and wonder and appreciate for all of his creations. I then take time to share with myself what I am truly grateful for.

Today I am grateful for.....

My curiosity and wonder to learn more, to share more.

My family's health and love that flows from them

My freedom, to pray, to share, to post, to run or walk and to live a life that empowers.

You turn.....

Have a great day everyone.....

Till next time share a smile and share some time with your thoughts on what your grateful for today.

www make me smile online dot com

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