Friday, October 16, 2009

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ October 17, 2009

Good morning everyone and hope all of you have a very Happy Saturday!

Today is a new day, filled with new challenges and new adventure!

My adventure began last night when my Internet went out as you know and guess what, it is back!

Savor your Saturday as you would a great cup of hot chocolate or any hot beverage your choice here. It is cold here in western PA and in some parts of PA much snow has fallen. We here in Pittsburgh have been lucky and dodged this storm.

So I wanted to state much thanks to all of you who commented this past week. Also you that have stopped by to visit the new format on Make Me Smile Online dot com. I thank you as well. Please consider becoming a member. Yes it is free as is the power of the smile! Free to share, free to receive! Sometimes the best smile of all is the one you see in the mirror looking back at you first thing in the morning! Share that one too!

So today I wanted to share with you a post that was written in early April 24, 2009

When in doubt, Smile!

When you smile the whole world smiles back at you. Mother Teresa said it best when she was quoted

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~Mother Teresa

A gift that someone may need at that moment. Indeed an action of love that is given without any cost and most importantly sets your state of mind in a proper frame.

When you walk with a smile the word sees strength and as Greta Garbo put it.

" Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening" ~ Greta Garbo

Power that you have and control with a simple action, the smile. It may be the easiest way to defuse a grouch, a few weeks ago I spoke of the 'energy vampire' and how they can drain the spirit with or without any malice in their motive. The best way to deal with any loss of happiness is to be grateful and smile and know that a better minute is on its way.

Gratitude, we all can be grateful for something as this quote reveals.

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. ~Buddha

Take this minute to be thankful, take this second to me happy and take this day to smile! A good thought for today and all of our tomorrows.

Power Action Thought for Today Number 77 Be Thankful, and grateful and above all be aware that your smile is the sword that cuts through anothers grief.

Make a difference today and be the Smile advocate at your place of work, school or home. You will be grateful that you did and be fortunate that you were able.

Till then Smile! :)

Please send any comments to Thanks

www make me smile online dot com

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