Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Monday everyone! I hope your day is a great one filled with smiles and good memories.

As I promised you last Thursday I wanted to write some of my thoughts on our basic needs and how the power of a smile and the very essence of gratitude can not only sustain our basic needs but help in their development.

In 1943 Abraham Maslow’s paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ was written and included his theory about the hierarchy of needs that we all have. The goal of this post is not dissect or go into much detail of what each need is about, but to rather highlight them and explain my mission to share the power of the smile and the importance of gratitude in ones life.

The Basic Needs of Life

We all have basic needs of survival, needs like:

Air to breathe

Water and Food to maintain our body functions

Sleep which enables us to re-energize our bodies

We can say here and almost all would agree that with out those conditions being met life as we know it would be difficult if not impossible.

Yes, there are many degrees of enough. Enough sleep and enough food can be a variable of course. But judging by the super size of food packaging maybe it can be said we do not get adequate amounts of sleep. Myself included on the food and sleep statement.

So with all of this said, gratitude at this level should be easy. If your reading this your alive, probably rested and have at some level access to a computer and the Internet.

Much of the world does not have adequate food or water and they definitely don’t have a computer or the Internet. So we should be able to be thankful at this point.

Gratitude is without question an important factor in being happy. Happiness is a factor in having a smile on our lips. The two almost go hand in hand.

Without gratitude we will not appreciate the fact that we are alive, with air to breathe, food to eat and water to drink. We should be very grateful. We should be able to look in the mirror and smile.

God created the resources to sustain life. It is our hope at Make ME Smile Online that you can always have enough. Enough of the basics in life things like air, food and water and sleep of course.

Prayers of thanks come from my heart each morning. I have said it before that often we pray for things. Pray for substance. If we pray with thanks in our heart and gratitude in our words we shall perhaps accomplish more than a gentle and kind heart but the most basic need of all.

Wisdom of a life enjoyed!

Part 2 is Tuesday and the discussion will be on the need for some sort of security and semblance of order in our lives.

The need to have certainty in our life.

Till next time.......Smile!

www make me smile online dot com

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