Happy Tuesday everyone today is a day that I write about giving thanks and what I am grateful for today. So my big three are today:
Family ~ a girlfriend and daughter and son that love me for who I am.
Life ~ another year gone by, hopefully a little wiser and a little more patient.
Friends ~ my Gather and Facebook friends and those at work. I thank and wish all of you a great week!
May you all have good things to share with others. May you all have special people in your life.
Today is Part 2 of on our Basic needs Today is a discussion of security and semblance of order.
As I promised you last Thursday I wanted to write some of my thoughts on our basic needs and how the power of a smile and the very essence of gratitude can not only sustain our basic needs but help in their development.
In 1943 Abraham Maslow’s paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ was written and included his theory about the hierarchy of needs that we all have. The goal of this post is not dissect or go into much detail of what each need is about, but to rather highlight them and explain my mission to share the power of the smile and the importance of gratitude in ones life.
Security and Order
After the basic survival need the next important need within Human nature is the need for a sense of stability and order.
In the area of employment and job security, ability to be treated a certain way at work with our safety concerns met and issues handled fairly. Imagine if you will the early days before the union when it was not only dangerous to go into the mills and coal mines you did not know if you would have a job depending on your boss’s mood. Times were different, harassment of all kinds and bribery and threats ran rampant.
The area of certainty that when you go out to your car the engine when turn over. When your driving the faith that we have that the other person will stay on their side of the rode is not even thought of we just feel certain that they will.
The need for basic health insurance is a big debate at this time in history and dominates the news. Many people have insurance through work or their spouse’s employment. However millions and millions every year have none. No form of catastrophic insurance even for the worst case scenario. This not only has costs for the family but for the health care system which raises cost each year to cover charge offs that the uninsured can not pay. The need people feel for basic protection is a need we who have insurance don’t think of.
There are many other security and order needs here are just a few more:
Police and fire protection
Our borders from terrorists
Life Insurance
Natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, etc
These we often take for granted. Imagine if you will a small child in Somalia, who in this war torn country not only has to fear for their safety but wear their next meal is coming from. Imagine their sense of gratitude each night when they go to bed alive and fed.
It is hard to imagine. But very real, in places all over the world.
So plant firmly in your mind, in your reality all the things we take for granted as we go about our day. The safety net that our Armed forces and local police surround us with.
The J-O-B that we go to everyday and grumble about. No some jobs do have serious problems that still remain but sometimes the problems lie with us. How we perceive our world and how we walk within the framework our responses makes all the difference.
A smile placed within our hearts that travels to our mind and lands on our lips can make all the difference. In fact it may just about be the turning point to someone’s day.
Gratitude feeling that sense of thanks to God for all that secure world that we embrace everyday. Yes we have loop holes with in our lives. They are not perfect but nothing is perfect in this realm.
So next time you want to grumble, complain, whine do so with a fraction of time leave the rest of the fraction for the boy or girl in some third world country longing for their sense of security and order.
Tomorrow is part 3 of 4 and we will look at the human need for love and belonging. Have a great day everyone!
May all of you find peace, joy and love today!
That perfect smile is just a mirror away!
Till next time Smile! Make a difference in someone’s world and pass one on!
www make me smile online dot com
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