Friday, January 8, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Dust will Settle

 As we hope for better we look beyond the obvious, the struggle is real but we often have to LET IT GO.  We only have the ability to control what is in our inner circle.  We will grow, we will struggle, we will get sick and we will heal.  That is the human experience.  We can wish anything out of our control well and at times our circle of life will shrink and grow as we find our way.  The only way to Expect the Best is to be the best we can be for our inner circle, our selves, our family and our friends that we embrace with our values and ethics.  Rise up from any ashes that blow your way. Down the road in everyones life our ashes will blow beyond our control but our legacy, our values and what we have built and left beyond lives on.

Kindness is free to embrace and share 

Love is free as well and leaves indelible marks as we share it

Rise up 

Share good and leave a trail so others can follow

Dream even small dreams can be made impactful

Set goals begin with measurable written goals 

Take Action with your values and efforts

Surround yourself with those who feed your flames not douse them

We will grow and our circle will enlarge or shrink as we feel 

Feel good about your direction

Embrace the power of random and planned kindness

Dispel fear and anger they serve no purpose but to distract and reduce

Share the positive light by your actions

Silence always speaks louder and helps to maintain focus.

Rise up

***Update*** ----> Day 10 <---- Once again I thank you for your kind words, your thoughts and prayers lifted up for my journey with Covid 19.  It is no joke and for the grace of God go I.  Three major issues could have taken me down a darker and harder road but God has guided my journey a different way. 

I have the same basic symptoms
mainly immense fatigue, no smell or taste and no appetite.
 Headaches have been managed and for the last day I have not felt any fever or chills. Thus far vertigo or balance issues have not returned for 3 days.

 I have done my best to stay hydrated and stay nourished. Stay safe, wear a mask, keep distance and wash your hands. These are simple steps that we all can do for each other.

 Prayers and thanks to you all and thank you again.


This year is your year 

Embrace it

Share your year  with those you care about 

Be safe and happy

Be kind

Smile more even just with your eyes.

Hope for Better  ~ Expect the Best
God Bless and Keep Smiling
Share a smile or two
Rise up and shine like the brightest star



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   08    /   2021

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