Knowledge becomes power and your knowledge in the reality of truth becomes stability. Learning is a powerful skill that we can all take daily. For the power that it becomes we must learn everyday.
We used to have to go to a library for knowledge, open a set of almanac's or encyclopedias, now we just move our finger or mouse on our computer. These are amazing times and factual learning is the most important. Multiple sources, fact checking and due diligence.
it is indeed your choice
Choices we make everyday
Choose wisely
When you learn take time to teach.
Share the knowledge
Embrace the giving factor with another
This is your gift to another
Thoughts become things
Rise up and Share love, share kindness
Expect the Best
Hope for Better
The power you have
to love and to share that love
to be kind and share that kindness
to use your strength to Expect the Best
Rise up
Always expect the best
Make your dreams come to life
Smile and Share Kindness
Love yourself so you can love others more
Move forward
Stay Safe.
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.
Share kindness and share a smile!
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
01 / 27 / 2021
Perfect Pitch for progressing ones mind. Thanks
I do share your poster messages with my students Thank you.