Sunday, January 31, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Self Reflection on a Sunday

Sunday a day of rest,  for many worship, for family and self reflection.

To self reflect o understand the week you went through the feelings you shared with self and some feelings shared with others.

To reflect on what was and what can become

To reflect on what you did well and not so well

To become and to Expect the Best

To Rise up above your old self

To grow

To Hope for better for what you can't control

To Expect the Best for what you can control

To shine

The day of Self Reflection

On a Sunday 

Just maybe ....

Enjoy your day 


Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   31   /   2021

Happy Sunday : )

Saturday, January 30, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ You are the Leader of your own Path

When awoken and we arise we take the leadership role of our day. Our path that we take is a chosen one.  For others we hope for better and for us, we expect the best . We our the captains of our ship and we decide to flow in open waters.  It is your journey.

Make your day, each and everyday your masterpiece.

Rise up

Share your light

Lift another's spirit

Lead by example

Share you kindness and smile often

Make your decisions wisely and with constant and persistent reflection

Stand for the best that you expect

Hope for better don't attack but let it go what you can't control

Control your journey with wisdom and mastery

Smile Always


Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   30    /   2021

Happy Saturday : )

Friday, January 29, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ The Winds of Change and the Raging River Flows

 The winds of change oh how they blow.  Strong and succinct the winds can cause us to pause and to reflect and seek for the message.

The raging river flows and the water can only be touched once and the water moves on to the sea.

Build your windmill

Enjoy the caress of change

Change can be good it cleanses and moves forward if we so dream it to be

The clouds move on buy

But the education and memories remain

Rise up 

Hope for Better ~ Expect the Best

Enjoy the seasons that are applied

love it all and Expect the Best


Rise up 




Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   29    /   2021

Thursday, January 28, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Knowledge is flowing like a might river : )

 The change in the air is palatable and fresh and knowledge now is more important than ever.  The markets are volatile the little person all over the country are rising up and not just saying what about me they are saying What about US.  Times are a changing and plug in and get the knowledge ask questions, speak up, find a mentor and hang on for the ride.  There is always calmness and a rainbow after the storm. 

Acquire, digest, confirm and utilize
Sharing makes for a dynamic movement 

Listen to all voices but expect the best from your own intuition

Wisdom is in the understanding

Review, share, digest

Rise up for a better world for all
A better world for you

Hope for better for all

Expect the Best for your immediate circle

Rise up

Inform yourself 

Impact your destiny

Smiles Sent 

The power you have 

to love and to share that love

to be kind and share that kindness

to use your strength to Expect the Best 

Rise up 




Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   28    /   2021

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Learning Everyday

 Knowledge becomes power and your knowledge in the reality of truth becomes stability.   Learning is a powerful skill that we can all take daily.  For the power that it becomes we must learn everyday.

We used to have to go to a library for knowledge, open a set of almanac's or 
encyclopedias, now we just move our finger or mouse on our computer.  These are amazing times and factual learning is the most important.  Multiple sources, fact checking and due diligence.

it is indeed your choice

Choices we make everyday

Choose wisely

When you learn take time to teach.

Share the knowledge

Embrace the giving factor with another

This is your gift to another

Thoughts become things

Rise up and Share love, share kindness

Expect the Best

Hope for Better


The power you have 

to love and to share that love

to be kind and share that kindness

to use your strength to Expect the Best 

Rise up 




Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   27    /   2021

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Internal Energy and Ignition

 Ignite your flame that reason that desire to soar higher heights.  The energy is always there as is the flame the reasons and dreams and desires are your tinder for the fire.  Light it and keep it roaring.

Thoughts become things

Rise you did this day?

How blessed you are, some did not

Some can not rise today

Your ability to breathe and think and enjoy and to love 

What an amazing gift you were given.

The power you have 

to love and to share that love

to be kind and share that kindness

to use your strength to Expect the Best 

Rise up 




Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   26    /   2021

Monday, January 25, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Expressive of the Joy

 The human spirit, your human spirit can be telling in its nature. Expressive in a way of sending out your joy and your standards and values can be not only powerful but contagious.

Happy Monday

Expression from our spirit  can be healthy for our health and healthy for others




Effectively conveying thought or feeling

Thoughts become things

Rise up each day spread your joy

Spread your smile

Expect the Best 

Choose your actions and your display wisely 

Smile always

Rise up when you feel you can't

Dream big

Expect the Best

This is your day ~ embrace it and embrace happiness


Smile and make that smile contagious

Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   25    /   2021

Sunday, January 24, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Always the possibilities

 Time never stops it keeps moving forward, each thought is either embraced or dismissed.  Impossible some say, it will never happen so many possibilities yet we still dismiss them. 

 It will never happen they say:  

Energy from the Sun or wind, impossible they said. 

 An affordable big screen television ?  

 Affordable impossible A self driving car ?  Never

Small steps and small discoveries develop into large possibilities

Never give up ~ Never give in

Believe it will appear

Speak it into existence 

And it will

Believe deeply

Love the passion of the journey

Smile always

Rise up when you feel you can't

Dream big

Expect the Best

This is your day ~ embrace it and embrace happiness


Smile and make that smile contagious

Always expect the best

Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

01    /   24    /   2021