Thursday, November 12, 2020

A month of Daily Gratitude ~ On Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

 The United States Declaration of Independence has made this phrase popular and the gratitude for it is obvious but now more than ever we should break it down for today's times.

Oh these word's how many times we have read and said them.

To be grateful for all three of these.  Many view these as rights.  Maybe we should view them as gifts given, lets think on that.


The gift of life or the right to life?   Life we walk the steps, breathe in and out and fuel our body and spirit.  So many have seen a loved one cross over from this life.  God from tragic circumstances or perhaps sickness or a breakdown of the body's needs.  Some have even felt the sting of a friend or loved ones suicide, a painful experience that lingers and impedes rational thoughts.

Life to me and many is a gift we choose how to spend that gift and how to pass it on with our legacy.  Life a gift from a creator and a gift that does not protect any age from having it expired untimely.

Live your life in a manner such that it shows appreciation even though daily their is depreciation. Each day has its value and we choose how and with who we spend it.


The gift and privilege and the freedoms we all share.  From the liberty to grow and raise our standards of life to the freedoms our service members protect from harm.

Liberty to move about freely even in the face of a pandemic.

Liberty to partake in services rendered, choices galore and technology that enhances and entrances our life.  The spell of technology can indeed be so self removing from real sharing of this gift/privilege. 

We choose to embrace these liberties and we can through neglect abuse them to be taken away.  

We choose and we must be aware of the true gift these freedoms give and the privilege we have to protect.

Pursuit of Happiness

A choice for sure, we choose our happiness our light shines because we say it will or we allow it to dim because we abandon the joy.

To pursue means to chase to put forth action to obtain.  But happiness is a choice.  

History has shown people in pure bondage, enslaved physically or by obstacles of society and their ability to choose happiness.

It makes all the difference to choose this thing we call happiness.

With a smile, a kind word, a deed done for others without looking for anything but the gift of a internal knowledge that another breathed easier because you have lived.

Life and Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

Choose and embrace and enhance the lives of others by sharing and appreciation of these.

Don't take them for granted

Don't allow them to be a nice quote from a historic document.

Rise up and allow them to flow into your spirit and enhance your soul to be better and greater for yourself, your family and this world that we partake in.

Smiles sent and shared your way.



Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

11   /   12  /   2020

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