Getting Lost in a Picture and Found in the Words (cont.)
A week as gone by since the first exposure of this title. So the project continues here, making you smile online, sharing some thought provoking photo's that I took myself over my years. In the coming days I hope to find others who would share* (with appreciation and source connected) their photos. So submit them if you have a macro picture or mesmerizing style that you would like to share. Thank you in advance.
My email is at the bottom. Smiles sent in advance. : )
North Shore Steps Water Feature Summer 2006
This picture to me shows a fraction of a moment in time. A day down at the North Shore along the rivers in Pittsburgh, PA. The waster that flows over steps in a water feature flows all day long. Non stop but does so for the admiration of the locals, and perhaps some relief from the heat.
It never has the same exact pose twice. Life has many changes like that. Never the same feel or look exactly the same way twice.
It changes, different temperatures or a different breeze or a different interaction with others. Thank goodness for that life would be copied in a way that could bring boredom.
The Groundhog Day (1993) starring Bill Murray and Indie MacDowell shows this perfectly.
Phil (Bill Murray) discovers the Golden Rule after the day repeats and repeats until he has the chance to get it right. Right is the ability at least or him to think of others instead of himself. What a gift he is given. What a shame we get on chance to leave a first impression.
One chance to give that person, or group of people the chance to see our true self.
One chance to be kind, share a smile, give a moment of time to another that makes them remember you in a favorable way and to be touched with love.
Love is in short supply it seems these days. So much division and hurt and anger and uncertainty. More than a few of Maslow's hierarchy of needs published in 1943.
This anger and uncertainty gives a strong attack on the basics of belonging and love, to safety and esteem. The pandemic gives even more attack to social needs. The need for connection, touch, and togetherness is adapted to social distances and disconnected facial expressions due to the masks that we wear.
Strange and uncertain times indeed. But, we have many chances to "get it right".
Get it Right the why is obvious here is some how's.
Share a longer direct eye contact as your speaking to someone.
Share a kind word, a compliment to an action viewed.
Share your time with someone give them a moment of precious connection even if it is distanced.
Email or text someone or call them words matter in a time like this.
Share is a key word. Sharing is indeed Caring.
Be Blessed and Be Better than yesterday : )
Stay Safe.
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.
Share kindness and share a smile!
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
08 / 09 / 2020
I love this Vick. We have share a kind connection with the people we come in contact with through the mask.