Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bottled Up Inside

It has been awhile, my last post on here 2017, March 26. 

So here it goes a new chapter, a new stroll down the path traveled, the path shared and hoped for.

Times are a changing each day it seems, we try to gather is this the new norm?  The Corona Virus slash Pandemic slash praying for others slash playing for it all.

Bottled up inside all us are our norm's, our dreams put on hold, our feelings bottled up, spilling over and not always shared.  We look to the heavens and we pray, some believers and some just knowing that someone has to be in control here because it can't be us.

"Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, 

 emptier and simpler"

Friedrich Nietsche

All of us have thoughts and feeling and yes some are darker or brighter than other thoughts. Our soul's in times like these cry out, no scream out for a simpler time.

Begging and pleading with whoever, to whomever just to make the storms go away.

So do what we do to express, and explain our feelings.

We crawl, or walk, or run to the other side of that bottle, we watch a comedy, or listen to a group of musicians or singers that inspire us.  We do whatever we can to break our pattern of sadness, confusion and isolation.  We open our bottle, not break it mind you, for some of these outcomes might once again demand to be shared.

So pour out your bottle, don't be shy.  This is not the time to retreat in the darkness, no this is the time to rise from our perceived and real ashes.

Just do, just will yourself to smile, to laugh and yes even cry.

It is all normal acts of being human.  Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin


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