Friday, April 3, 2015

All you need is Love and Gratitude

Love is what we all truly want and really we as humans need.  Love empowers and love enriches our life.

Love is a must to have and we all know people that seem to be lacking love in their spirit and in their heart.  How sad they must feel or do they bury it with other emotions or with another substance.

Love is all we truly need.

Add some gratitude now and you will have a true way to start any day.

A simple prayer to our creator .... " Thank You"

That is truly the one prayer we should start and end our day with.... " Thank You"

Giving love and sharing gratitude a great way to express yourself to others.

To those close to you and to a total stranger maybe when they most need it.

Love and Gratitude

Share it today, give it always

Sending you smiles and kind thoughts today and always : )

Victor Yakin

To awake each morning with this in your head
To go to sleep each night with this in your sleep

To believe 
To trust 
To share

All you need is love

We all have it 

We have the knowledge that love is everything to have within and share 

We have the knowledge that gratitude makes life better 

So all thats left is to practice and share and as always

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