Sunday, August 31, 2014

Monday Motivation and Affirmations

Our thoughts and what we affirm to ourselves becomes real, we start to believe it and once belief and faith sets in, it becomes so.

So should be not use affirmations that will empower us.

Just saying....

Your inner you listens to your thoughts, your self talk

Be aware and replace the negative and limiting self talk 

I am

I am 

I am

You Are Ready and You Always Have Been Ready!

Just believe and act
Trust in you

Dream big
Love forever
be thankful

and smile

as this smile is sent your way : )

Victor Yakin

Sunday Restoration and Anne Frank

So who was Anne Frank?  The story is so worth the reading and the link is here

Some quotes you can learn much from ....

To be happy 
to see the beauty in a world of hurt and pain
To smile anyway
to love and to dream and to live with a peaceful happiness

Spread the happiness around
share the joy

In a minute you can improve the world around you
in a second you can start the process

why not begin the noble process

Share and be happy
Love and be filled with joy

Keep moving forward and know that even a smile can improve just about anything

As this smile is sent and given to you : )

Victor Yakin

Friday, August 29, 2014

Saturday in Your Park of Perseverance

Perseverance, never giving up and never giving in.
Perseverance, knowing that with ever failure we gain a step closer and a lesson learned

To persevere, to carry on and step forward in faith.

Learn the rules and then play better
may we all post these, learn these and carry them with us

keep pushing
keep stepping out in faith
your path may be long but the journey is worth it

Stay hungry
Stay foolish
never give in
never give up
stay focused
step forward

keep knocking
keep pushing forward
stay focused
stay positive

Keep moving
keep pushing
keep standing back up
learn from the fall
and know your one step closer

Keep smiling as this smile is sent for you : )

Victor Yakin

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Taking Gratitude In Force ( T G I F )

How many days do you wake up grateful?
How many times have you started the day off with a "Thank You"?

Maybe just maybe its time to start!

Be thankful
Be grateful
Be humble 

Show your gratitude
Live your gratitude

Set the example and be glad that you could be

find your peace of mind
let your gratitude come from the inside 
and flow to your outside

the key is to stay Grateful
the key is to stay Strong

The key is to always smile 

as this smile is sent your way : )

Victor Yakin

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thursday Tune Up of Becoming Great

Are you tuned up and ready to go?  Are you in the right frame of mind and have a point of reference on becoming great?  No?  Why not? 

Stop the mediocre life style and become great!

Be the the only one by being unique
don't be average be great but be unique during your journey

Begin with being great in the little things
a great champion of gratitude
a great listener
a great human of giving love
a great dreamer who dreams big and takes action

make the best out of any result
make the best out of any action taken

be great
be awesome
but in the face of failure be your best

surround yourself with greatness
you stand with those who drag you down you will go down with them
you hang with those who are negative you will hang with them all the way down

Don't be alone 
Stand out 
and smile

Smiles sent to you this day and everyday : )

Victor Yakin

Wednesday Weeding of Low Self Esteem

We are our own guidance system.  We can direct ourselves to higher ground and look out from a high mountain top and see for miles or we can lead ourselves into immense valleys and see nothing but obstacles.

Low self esteem is like placing ourselves in that valley every single day and wondering way our view is limited.

Its all up to our own beliefs, thoughts and rules that we accept for ourselves.

Do better for yourself
Believe better for yourself
Know better

Do what you know is right
take the high road

enjoy the journey 
take pride in yourself
help others 
as you also help you

(click on image to make it bigger)

Start today
replace those negative self talk expressions 
start today with 

I am genuine
I am forgiving
I am passionate
I am happy

become the bearer of good news for yourself

and smile

even as this smile is sent for you : )

Victor Yakin

Monday, August 25, 2014

Tuesday Taking Over Our Discovery

To discover new ways, new efforts, new reasons, new actions, is to discover not only our abilities but to discover our true passions.

May your discovery start today and always be reaching forward.

New eyes to reach out
to dream
to discover
to realize our potential

Courage to try even if you can fail
the Courage to know you may just educate yourself and that may be just enough

They are there, all the riches you will ever need
the resources of the world are within
made with perfection already stitched into your DNA

Seek to determine who you want to be
then discover the path
blaze your trail
discover what is yet to unfold but unfold it will 
because you tried

you smiled

as I smile with you 
Smiles sent : )

Victor Yakin

Monday Motivation and Contemplation

With all motivation and inspiration there should always be a reason, some thought put forth and that deep thought should make things very clear as to the why.

the crumbling away of untruth
the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true


The only cost is the time
the time well spent to develop to improve upon you

choices in life
made every day
which will you choose 
to brighten your way ?

the crashing surf
the waves
the smell
oh the ocean as it calls out 
as it whispers
to invite the soul to wander and to think

Smiles sent your way as always : )

Victor Yakin

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Restoration and Robert Fulghum

A writer of several best sellers, a father, a grandfather, a minister and so much more than what I can even share.  But to share his quotes on life, on peace can be restoring all by itself.

May your day be restored and may you think a little more as it is.

So much in life works even when we thought it was stupid at first

everything else is just an inconvenience.
step over
go around 
move forward

just think 
imagine if
and after all 
why not?

to live together in the same box
to love
to dream
to smile

just as this smile is sent to you : )

Victor Yakin

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday in Your Park of Enchanment

Every once in a lifetime something with enchantment happens.  How to explain it is not the answer, how to enjoy and live with it, well that is the true answer and dream.

Why resist it is indeed futile
if it is to have that enchanted feeling 
embrace it
love it
live it
dream it and watch your dream come true

love the beauty of life
Inspired actions 
Magic will flow if you allow it
spellbound you may fee
Enchantment, enjoy it

to be so poor in spirit that you know no enchanment
no magic 
no poetry
no beauty if the written word

may your once in a while
turn your life into one filled with love
and of course some fairytale's


and this smile is sent your way : )

Victor Yakin