The key word in Taking Gratitude in Force is explained with this simple picture
Gratitude comes from the inside!
Great things happen from the inside!
Your life will change and develop in a big way when you allow Gratitude to flow from the inside out.
Don't let gratitude slip away from your thoughts
Take charge and understand that gratitude is power to the human spirit
Gratitude spoken daily and lived daily develops into an element as important as air if you allow it.
Changes the world you see
So true and yet so many of us are blinded by what we don't have
The real thing, the best thing is already with in each and every one of us
Drink deep from the river that flows for each of us, the river of gratitude
The river that flows so freely that we take the power that it can generate in the human spirit
The power of gratitude spoken
The power of gratitude shared
The power of gratitude given
Finish that statement in your own way
But do it today and do it everyday
I am Grateful for so much, for my creator, for my children, for my clients and most of all for my life!
Smiles sent to you today and everyday : )
Victor V. Yakin
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