You might say, 'What a dreadful day', without realizing that the cold, the wind, and the rain or whatever condition you react to are not dreadful. They are as they are. What is dreadful is your reaction, your inner resistance to it, and the emotion that is created by that resistance
We rise to face a new day, new winds of change are all around but yet we can grasp and hold on or let them blow on by.
We walk into the day and share ourselves some more than others some more with our profession and some on a more personnel level. But we share something with someone each day.
In today's news it states over 68% of corporations on the stock market with earnings have met or exceeded estimations put out by experts that predict the market. 68% this year, this is a very high percentage.
Yet we rise each day and walk into each day with hardly a plan much less a plan to exceed an expectation. Why so?
Should we not be as functional as a corporation? With ourselves as CEO/CFO in charge of the direction and growth.
The structure of any corporation is as follows:
The Board ~ the group of people hired and placed in charge of the rules and progress. A board is like our creator who designed us and our people who judge our functionality in running our corporation. Our credit rating, our employer and our customers.
The Shareholders ~ the group of people who hold an interest in the companies progress. The investors of the company. We have investors, our friends, family and people who look to us for guidance, direction and inspiration. Some at times can be close friends and some can be looking for a takeover or to correct us due to jealousy and contempt. But they all show some sort of interest in our coporation.
We are the rest of our business. We are the functioning body, the goal setter, the analysis maker and the adjuster of the sails to function better in the changing winds of change.
We must adjust, grow and develop or we shall perish.
We must believe and trust or we will freeze in doubt and fear.
We must walk on or be paralyzed in our tracks.
The goal should be clear.
The 'bucket list' should be full and life should be defined just as clear as a successful business.
We are and we will be defined by our thoughts, dreams, actions and results.
Just some thoughts sent out along with some smiles : ) to you this day.
May the wind blow in your favor and may your touch the wind and use it wisely.
Smiles 4 ever
Victor V. Yakin
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