Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Your first steps of the morning

Follow the Yellow Brick Road..... A suggestion made to Dorothy and her crew during the movie the Wizard of OZ.  She did not get any other directive, not go through the mud, follow the yellow brick road.  She followed and found the wizard of OZ.  The movie ends happily.
Now if there really was a yellow brick road in life I would take it in a heartbeat and 2x on Sunday.  Just because it sounds like fun.
We do have a choice on which road we take the high road of happiness and joy. The road of making a difference to help someone, to assist with a smile, a kind word or maybe just the road of prayer and gratitude and some laughter along the way.
We have a choice.
We also can choose the opposite.  The road of hate, fear, revenge.  This road leads us to more of the same,  The road of anger, jealousy, envy can be a rocky and treacherous road indeed.
We make a choice each day.
Inspect and reflect on the choices you have made.  Don't live in the past, but understand that the past has taken you to the destination that you are today.
The decisions we make right not will change our course.
Choose love not hate.
Choose kindness not something less.
Choose to smile not moan and groan.
Choose to make a difference not wallow in the mud and do nothing.
It will make a hug difference in your next destination.
Positive energy give positive results.
A quote about energy and choice:
The longer I live, the more I am certain that the great difference between
the great and insignificant is energy - invincible determination -
a purpose once fixed and then death or victory.
~ Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton
Stay focused and stay determined to live with love and joy.
Prayer, Spoken Gratitude and Laughter on the first steps of your morning.
Watch the day come alive with your energy, try it and see for yourself!
May your day be blessed : )
Smiles sent your way   :  )
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