To be inspired, to laugh and dream big.
To stay foolish enough to try something new and strong enough to try again when it didn't work. To have in your spirit that no matter what you will remain hungry for success.
To always love even when others may get the best of you.
To get back up when you fall to learn a lesson from it all.
To smile at a stranger and really understand that there are no strangers really Just a spirit and soul we may not know
A wish, my wish sent to you this day : )
A quote on healing from heartache:
I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments
and glue them together again and tell myself that
the mended whole was as good as new.
When it is broken it is broken, and
I would rather remember it as it was at its best
than mend it and see the broken pieces for as long as I lived
~ Margaret Mitchell
I think the hardest thing when things go wrong in a relationship is to really focus on the facts. Your heart likes to negotiate and paint a better picture than reality has dealt you. (Personal experience)
It matters not that you love someone and want to protect and hold close to your heart. It matters not that intention that was spoken and acted upon daily.
No, what matters is that you come to terms with your values, your deep core beliefs that maybe just maybe you did your best. Maybe just maybe you have learned some about yourself and maybe more about the other as well.
My heart will go on, no fear about that. No but here either, I almost typed that word out, I didn't.
No anger or vengeance towards another. Life happens and it is what it is, til it isn't .
Day one and a fresh day at that. The rain fell hard yesterday for a bit as if to say let the pain and hurt wash away.
The birds are singing as they always do.
The air blows fresh and lucky to live where I do it probably always will.
So things in my world get back to some normalcy.
Going to church today, said my prayers already, announced my gratitude and will do my laughter in a bit. It makes me feel better, much better to let out a laugh for a few minutes or so.
So today focus on the facts, understand that not everything is in your control.
But how we react to them, really is in our control.
When we hate - we really send that hate right back to ourselves.
When we want to hurt - we extend the hurt and increase that hurt with in us.
When we cry - thats fine, its natural and washes away the pain.
So do long showers and hot baths. LOL : )
Don't let another dictate your love for yourself or for the world.
Nature beacons you to go outside and love what has been created for you.
I type these words with the hope that they may help just one more soul breathe a bit easier. Smile a bit longer, and even think about how they can improve their focus.
Find your dream
Find your laughter, can't find it make it happen. You will find it helps.
Find your gratitude and speak it proudly.
Love always for that is the way magic happens, it will find you, just keep putting out love and love will always find you.
My wish for you today, this day and
Smiles sent your way : )
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Sharing since March 09, 2009
Make ME Smile Online
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