Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Take Charge Tuesday *New* ~ August 02, 2011

A very happy Tuesday to you all !  This day is your day.

Everyday is yours of course, free will to do with it what you please. You can live with high expectations for yourself or you can stay in bed all day.  The choices are yours and really they are yours alone.

Oh I hear many of you say I have to get up for work, or get a long list of chores and tasks done.  True it is I am sure but truly the world won't end if you just stopped for a minute or the whole day for that matter.

We know that for every action we take or do not take their is an equal or greater reaction.  Life happens no matter, even if we don't

Todays post is about taking charge in the area of your life, your thoughts and your actions. The area to continue with this weeks theme of sort is understanding and appreciating that every action has a reaction.

First a quote:

By action and reaction do we become strong or weak, according to the character of our thoughts and mental states. Fear is the deadly nightshade of the mind.
~Edward Walker

Depends not just on the action taken but the attitude it is taken with that matters even more.
Attitude and especially your attitude as your feet hit the floor in the morning is everything.  It is how you feel, how you breathe and how your body moves that impresses your spirit and soul or depresses your spirit and soul.
Action taken is a reaction that is soon about to take place.
The cause will have and effect.
The cause often is your attitude.
Attitude, your attitude will dictate the outcome of a task even before you start it.
When we breathe deep and think with positive outcomes in our mind this will likely lead to a better outcome than if we are stressed and have less positive thoughts.
Actions come from thought
Thoughts come through your attitudes.
Take time to take charge of your reactions that your given.
They indeed do come from the actions you started the day with.
My day starts with prayer and it often ends with prayer.
Not prayer with requests and wishes but prayer with a thankful heart and spirit.
My wish for you is that you give your morning that quiet moment in prayer not to ask for a better life or day but to give thanks for what you have.
May you be blessed today and every day.
Smiles sent across the miles : )


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