Sunday, August 14, 2011

Staying in Focus on Sunday *New* 08/14/11

Happy Sunday everyone and may this day be a great one for you.  Now I know my spirit wishes this often for you all who happen to read these posts of mine.  I wish it for you, the wishes of a great day, because I truly hope that for everyone, everyone deserves a great day.
But I would share with you the following question for you to ponder.
Who really has the control over your day?
Others?  Society? The weather? The national and or local news? Your elected officials?  Talking heads on the radio or television?
None of them do the answer relies only within the confines of you.
Your in control of your focus, your thoughts, your ideas for personal growth.  What we choose to focus on many times becomes our reality. The only time it does not become our reality is when we give that power to another person in our life.
Those times we don't focus we just follow along like a boat with out sails or a motor or a paddle we just let others drift us along.  Why do we allow this?
Its easier? Sure.  It gives us a scapegoat when things go wrong?  You bet it does. It takes pressure off of us for personal accountability.  It sure does.
If only we would man the steering wheel of our life, make sure we have plenty of fuel to drive us to our destination. If only we took time to look at our map, heck if only we had a map.  What a wonderful world it could be.

"If you don't design your own life plan,

chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.

And guess what they have planned for you?

Not much."

~ Jim Rohn

So this post is about focus but not what we look at with our eyes what our spirit looks at for our life.
Focus deep within your heart and spirit today what steps you have taken to be helpful to self, to those you love, to those you want the best for.  Focus deep within yourself the absolute power of making a difference for others.

A morning prayer that I share with you today:

Dear God, I come to you this morning with a deep sense of gratitude for all
that you have provided.

 I yearn for a deeper understanding of your original design for my life.

In love I listen for wisdom, guidance and appreciation for the design you not only have for my life but the lives of others that come into my path.
May I have patience to look, discerning eyes to see and words to give comfort.  Not just for those that walk into my life but for myself in those quiet moments that I set aside to focus and prepare what steps I may take.

Steps that I take that will help not only my life but help the lives of others.  I thank you God for the energy and health to design this life.  In Jesus name -- Amen.
A simple prayer but a prayer that will aid in your preparation of your day.  This day!

Take time to love start with self and than let it spread out.
Take time to care for what thoughts you think upon.

Make time to give that love to family and share with them your appreciation for all that they offer.

Develop that focus of what your life can be if only we would listen and focus on best intentions.

Is that simple?  Truly is that simple to focus and listen for guidance from that still quiet place deep within our soul.

Yes -  try it for the next 16 days in this month try it. What do you have to lose? Nothing only growth and that calm sense that what steps you take are not only for a better self but a better world around you.

Cause and effect this whole month I have tried to share examples of cause and effect.  

Reactions from actions taken.  What you put out will surely create a wave of reaction that comes back with equal or greater power.

Put out love get back love.
Put out confusion you get back even more.
Put out hate, you get back hate.
Put out compassion and it comes back in small waves that wash upon the shore of self.

Placed upon your table of design for your life. Do you pick up the idea or do you lay it aside.  Your choice.

My choice is to bid you a great day, a better week ahead and smiles to you across what ever miles that lay between us. : )


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  1. I know this is old but I thought you deserved to know that your words made an impact on my day. So, Thank you! You are making a difference even in this old site. Never give up because you never know who needs a kind word

    1. thanks Ashley : ) glad it helped and you can always follow my blog at I appreciate your kind words : )
