Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sizzling Saturday *New* July 16, 2011

Happy Saturday and welcome to the weekend, your day to enjoy with those you care about, those you love and make memories for yourself and others.

Everyday should be that way of course but we often let outside things take away our sizzle for life.  We become overcome with life's stresses and let outside factors dictate our progress and take up life and its precious time.

Time keeps on ticking whether you like it or not, thats a real fact, 86,400 seconds in the day to make the most out of what life brings and to bring the best of you to life.

So how do we keep the sizzle even when life tries to turn down the flame?
Thats what we will look at today.

So of course this is a new post topic, on this day we are going to share with you the power of Sizzling.

Each week I will share with you a new way to look at how we act, interact and hope to get you thinking about whether you are a slow burning ember or a flame that sizzles. Maybe a little bit of both.

So what if life has you by the throat and no matter what you try to do the ember that burns that heat which makes life sizzle is barely glowing with heat.

What if, not matter what the heat is slowly taking away your passion and drive to keep up with all of life's priorities.

Priorities like living, paying bills, taking care of family both yours and extended.
Here are some tips that maybe will help keep your sizzle.

Think in the now

The past is history right, and tomorrow is a mystery remember that?  Think in the present this day, this hour, even this minute.  Ask yourself what can I do to make this moment better.

Face it we can only do so much so we at times have to downsize the scope of the problem. Get to the real issue and decide what can I do right now.
Take action on that one thing.

Laugh even in the face of misery

Seriously life may just think it has you by the throat, laugh like you never laughed before, get the funniest movie, your favorite, go to You tube and look up your favorite comedian and watch it.  Let loose of any problem just for the moment and get your oxygen flowing to your head, and your lungs.
Laughter is the best medicine for pain and for sorrow.  Let loose and take the moment in.
Meditate and Pray
Ok, so you got to the moment and your living in this day and this hour.  You got a hearty laugh and you got some of the old poison out of your system and head.
Take time, get in your quiet place and take some time to listen to God in prayer and listen for his still soft voice.
He will be there in your time of need and no problem will be given unto you that you can not handle.
Take time to listen and be still.
Keep your head up and eyes to the sky
Stop with the whine and keep your head up.  Life is just that life and when the sizzle starts to fade and you forgot how to bring back the heat.  Then get a new avenue to bring the sizzle back to your life.
Look to the sky, shoulders back, breathe deep.
Look to the birds and clouds overhead see how they just glide or float.  They care not about your problems because they just do.
So should you.  Just do.
Just keep your mind on the present.
Just keep your spirit filled with laughter and possibility.
Just keep your ear to the gentle voice and direction to God during prayer.
You can't control what others do .....  You can only control how you react.
React with power.
React with laughter.
React with the knowledge that your strong enough and when your not, our God is strong enough to carry us through.
Just some thoughts to help when your sizzle starts to fade and burn out.
May these thoughts help you to relight your flame.
Smiles to you across the miles and around and over any wall.  : )


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